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  • V.E.R | Velo Explore Réunion

    Join us now on Facebook By reservation CHILDREN'S EQUIPMENT 1-3 years Children's mountain bike 8-12 years old e Adult MTB >12 years PRICES of excursions Discovering the forests, pools and waterfalls Offered 15€ 50€ Koh Lanta Pei (10 people and more) - - 38€ 2 pers. 3 pers. 4 pers. 5 peRS. 6 peRS. In the heart of the jungle (Decreasing according to number of people) 84€ /pers. 71€ / pers. 63€ / pers. 57€ / pers. 53€ / pers. Equipment Baby Seats 1.5kg max Essentials In the heart of the Jungle The forests of Bébour-Bélouve have an exceptional biodiversity. This guided tour with a native who speaks fluently English will allow you to discover the forest and its history. The forest is the ideal place for electric mountain bike rides with friends, family, or for couples . A tasting of local products is planned on one of the most beautiful panoramas of the island, overlooking the cirque of Salazie. Koh-lanta pei Using a map with riddles, you will search for markers and discover the hidden riches of the territory. Fun challenge to do in a group! In 3 words: challenge, sense of direction and a good laugh. Program: 2 teams that alternate between the walking circuit and the cycling circuit. Minimum 10 adults. Forests, pools and waterfalls A guided tour to discover the forest of Bebour, the pools and waterfalls, and also the history of the island and its biodiversity with a native who speaks English fluently Your host, from La Plaine des Palmistes, will show you his authentic village through various animated stops. The walk combines walking sections with the bike tour in order to access some less accessible places in the forest and near rivers. Tarifs Incontournables GROUPS 1/8 Circuit VTT Assistance Electric EXCURSIONS tailor-made multi-activities Mechanical assistance Professional liability insurance Itinerary - Heritage rally Group formulas Get a group quote Groupes Contacts The Plain of Palm Trees 06 92 18 92 83 Vélo Explore Reunion 4 Allée des Chênes 97431 La Plaine des Palmistes Envoyer Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt porté à notre activité Contacts

  • L'équipe | Velo Explore Réunion

    Who are we ? Two people from Reunion Island living in Plaine-des-Palmistes. We are a team of passionate people, working closely with our clients and partners to design innovative and creative tours. Gae Anne-Sophie Our story Living in a small town in the heart of Reunion, it was important for us to participate in the development of our village, after having traveled the world and returned to our island. So we launched Vélo Explore Réunion. Our wish is to highlight the unique landscapes of the heart of the island and to share the Reunionese conviviality. Beyond that, it is also important to us to raise awareness among our visitors about the fauna, flora, history of our island and the particularities that make this little piece of land such an intense island. Our team Gae Co-founder - Technical and animation manager Anne-Sophie Co-founder - Director Sports instructor; State Diploma: Specialized in Mid-Mountain Environment; Electromechanical engineer. MBA graduate in Tourism and Hospitality Management; 12 years of experience in travel agencies, tourist offices, and holiday centers.

  • Formulaire groupe | Velo Explore Réunion

    Get a group quote Your contact details YOUR PROJECT Demande transmise ! Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt porté à notre activité Transmettre ma demande

  • Notre équipement | Velo Explore Réunion

    6 electrically assisted mountain bikes : 1 size S (150cm- 160cm) 5 size M (160cm - 180 cm) 2 children's mountain bikes : Age 8 to 12 years 1 Child trailer : 2 places - Under 7 years old - Weight of 40 kg maximum All rentals include helmet, hairnet, safety vest, anti-theft device and heritage rally card. 2 Baby seats : From 9 months to 4/5 years 22 kg maximum

  • Site en maintenance | Velo Explore Réunion

    Website under maintenance In the meantime, find us on

  • Nos sorties scolaires | Velo Explore Réunion

    Our group outings for young people Contact us Financial aid Name of service Lively hiking tour. Duration : 3 hours, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / Location: Petite Plaine Forest. Interests: fauna/flora pedagogy, notions of endemic/invasive/exotic plants, ecosystem, biodiversity, reading landscapes, reliefs. Course and format adapted according to levels. Min. 18 children/Max. 30 children - Minimum age 7 years Name of service Introduction to orienteering, survival base and agility games. Duration : 3 hours, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / Location: Petite Plaine Forest. Interests: map reading, basic orientation, fauna/flora teaching, team cohesion. Process : Division of groups; Workshop session: Introduction to orienteering, agility games (archery - Boot'camp course, etc.), basic survival skills; Practical orienteering session. Awarding of diplomas at the end of activities Min. 18 children/Max. 30 children - Minimum age 8 years Name of service Treasure hunts in the heart of the village of Plaine des Palmistes . Duration : 3 hours, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / Location: Bassin Cadet site. Interests: map reading, basic orientation , fauna/flora education, team cohesion. Process : Introduction to map reading and orientation; Division of groups ; Search for clues to discover the code that will open the chest. Awarding of diplomas at the end of activities Min. 18 children/Max. 30 children - Minimum age 7 years

  • Dispositifs de subvention | Velo Explore Réunion

    Financial aid schemes The outings for children, offered by Vélo Explore Réunion, are eligible for various financial aid schemes, thus covering the entire cost of the chosen activity. Academic Reading-Writing Center (CALE) The CALE of Plaine-des-Palmistes is one of the partners of Vélo Explore Réunion. We regularly organize outings for schools, commissioned by the CALE. Sports and nature coupon 2023 The Department is continuing this assistance for colleges in order to facilitate young people's access to outdoor and cultural activities. National Education Relay Partner (PREN) As PREN, we carry out educational interventions focused on environmental education, for classes from CP to Terminale. This system is managed by the National Park.

  • Contactez-nous | Velo Explore Réunion

    Prise de contact NOM - Prénom Provenance ? (école, centre de loisirs, association...) E-mail Téléphone Date de sortie Descriptif du groupe : nombre d'enfants, âge, nombre d'accompagnants et type de sortie Transmettre Merci! Nous vous contacterons dès que possible.

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